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The official registration deadline at the end of 2023! Turkey Chemical Registration KKDIK Important Update

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2023-05-26 10:28

Recently, the Turkish Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change (MoEUCC) issued new implementation guidelines in accordance with the KKDIK Regulation on the Registration of Chemicals in Turkey. Under the new guidelines, it is not mandatory to provide importer information when registering substances. Chemical Safety Reports (CSR) can also be submitted in English, with additional time to submit Turkish translations after the registration deadline. In addition, "Registrant Identity" and "Registration Number" may be classified as Commercial Information Confidential (CBI).


Regulatory background

Effective from 23 December 2017, KKDIK (short for Turkish Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) is a chemical regulatory framework that requires the registration of chemicals produced or imported in Turkey in quantities greater than 1 ton/year. KKDIK follows the European Union (EU) Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation. Although substances are still allowed to be pre-registered, KKDIK has been in the registration phase since 2022 with a registration deadline of 31 December 2023. These substances are registered online through the KKS information technology platform, which is similar to the REACHIT and IUCLID platforms of the European Chemicals Management Agency (ECHA). Enterprises outside Turkey can entrust a sole representative (OR) in Turkey.

As of May 2023, the deadline for KKDIK registration has not changed: that is, all enterprises exporting more than 1 ton/year need to complete formal registration by December 31, 2023, otherwise they will not be allowed to continue to manufacture, import or sell the chemical within Turkey.

KKDIK Registration Requires New


01 Importer information is not provided

Previously, the law required that the registered entity is the sole representative (OR) and must provide information on at least one Turkish supplier. The industry has repeatedly expressed concern about this requirement, which increases the burden on registered businesses. Under the new regulations, the competent authorities recommend that the sole representative collect information on Turkish importers as much as possible, but no longer make it a mandatory field in the declaration system. However, the OR must maintain an up-to-date list of importers, the tonnage covered by each importer, and the latest Safety Technical Specification (SDS) information.

New Anrun Interpretation: This gives a sigh of relief to enterprises that have identified importers and will increase the willingness of potential registered companies.


02 Chemical Safety Report (CSR) can be provided in English first

According to the previous registration requirements, the registration of chemical substances above 10t/a must provide a Chemical Safety Report (CSR) in the Turkish language. For many businesses, this requirement significantly delays the registration process, and many English registration files need to be translated into Turkish. As the registration deadline approached, the competent authority made a concession and allowed the submission of the CSR report in English before the deadline, but the report in Turkish must be submitted to the official within 1 year after the deadline of December 31, 2023.

New Anrun Interpretation: The current regulations stipulate that all tonnage segments have only a fixed and strict registration period, coupled with the requirement to translate into Turkish, which has become an important obstacle to KKDIK registration. CSR usually has a large number of pages, and translation of complex science requires technical expertise and proficiency in Turkish. Allowing an extra year should increase the number of potential customer registration submissions.


03 CBI Update

Registrants or their ORs can now also apply for "Registrant Identity" and "Registration Number" to be listed as CBI (Business Information Confidentiality) in the KKSIT system, which was not allowed under the previous regulations. The CBI must be validated according to the template in the KKS. For files that have already been submitted, companies that require CBI must initiate the KKDIK registration file update process. CBI applications are subject to payment.

New Angrun Interpretation: Not long ago, technical experts in Turkey urged further adjustments to KKS to include confidential areas commonly found in EU tools. It took months for Turkish officials to issue new guidance. With the deadline rapidly approaching, only 25% of potential customers are expected to register, and failure to complete KKDIK registration by the deadline could lead to supply chain disruption. In addition, supply chain disruptions and adverse economic impacts are likely to continue as the Turkish government has previously dealt with the effects of several tragic earthquakes and upcoming elections.

New Anrun Consulting provides relevant registration services for enterprises that need to register KKDIK for Turkish chemicals. Please contact us for details.

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